They gathered at Cankaya (President's House in Turkey), and after thinking a very long time, they came up with the idea of solving the savagery in Gazza using diplomacy.
Who is the diplomat?
Of course, Prime Minister...
After running around Israel four times, he stated in Antalya:
"No prosperity with torture... Don't make the poor suffer, you will suffer later on...Sooner or later justice prevails.... The one who stands with anger, will sit with damage..."
I haven't heard a diplomacy language like that.
Diplomat, essentially, starts with the syllable, "dip". Which means the lowest level in Turkish.
That is quite fitting for the diplomacy Tayyip Erdogan performed during the Gazza situation.
You first try to become a mediator between Palestine and Israel, and on the day you were saying "We have found ourself an effective role in Middle East, hopefully, we will reach a satisfactory result.", Israel starts its attack on Gazza.
Gazza was almost destroyed.
That; is the "dip" point for the diplomacy.
The second syllable is "lo".
The ones who are acting deceitful by acting angry against Israel are the same people who made a 2.5 billion dollar weaponary deal with Israel.
Just recently they approved a 167 million dollar worth of contract with Israel.
Put on to that the tank and fighter jet projects.
Put on top of that the support for the Big Middle East Project...
Or is there anyone who is not aware of the US-Turkey-Israel strategy agreement?
Yeah, that is "lo" point among the commoners:
"Lo lo to everyone, lo lo to us to?"
The last syllable is "mat" (meaning "mate" in Turkish, as in "check-mate")
That is the position of the ones, who are trying to divert from the laisist-westerner path, and trying to make ourself look like the Arabs who cannot do anything in front of Israel.
Truth, once again, check mates foolishness...
That proves the ones who are struggling against the age, the ones who have attached to the middle ages, cannot win even if they are right.
Look carefully...
Unlike the scared, crouching Arabs, this swaggering manner; that is something they have to be grateful for the one they are hating the most, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk nad his injured laisist republic, but are they even aware of that?
How would I know...
What you call as a diplomat, is something like that...
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