Altayli ne demis?
Ciner grubunun devletle iliskilerinin Colasan'in ise alinmamasinda etkisi olmadigini soylemissiniz. Dogru olabilir. Ama, gene de yaptiginizin dogru olmadigini ve aciklamanizin da tatmin edici olmadigini belirtmek istiyorum.
Emin Colasan'in Dogan grubu ile ilgili olarak yazdigi kitaplari tahminimce buyuk bir zevkle okumussunuzdur. Sonucta, Emin Colasan gordugu yanlislari ve dogrulari yazmaktan cekinmeyecek bir isim. Bunu, onu ise alma planlarinizi yaparken biliyordunuz.
Ayrica, yanlis hatirlamiyorsam, dinlenmekten korkmadiginizi, saklayacak bir seyiniz olmadigini yazmistiniz. Ki Emin Colasan'in aciklamalarina bakarsak, ortada yanlis anlasilacak bir durum oldugunu da zannetmiyorum. Eger Colasan onlari soylemeseydi, onlar zaten her iki tarafi yakindan takip edenler tarafindan bilinebilecek, tahmin edilebilecek mevzulardi. O yuzden o aciklamalarin alinganlik yaratmasini anlayabilmis degilim.
Disaridan bize gorunen soyle. Onu da belirtmeden gecmek istemiyorum. Sizin Colasan'la gecmiste problemleriniz olmustu. Bu problemlerin unutuldugunu zannetmiyorum. Ayrica, Colasan'in her gazete sahibi icin, ozellikle iktidarla is yapan gazete sahibi icin bir tehlike oldugu asikar (defalarca kanitlanmis bir gozlem). Bunlari goz onunde tutunca, tahminimce, Colasan'in
aciklamalari sadece yuzeyde onu ise almamak icin kullanabileceginiz bir arguman haline geldi. Belki Sayin Ciner'in bu durumla hic ilgisi yoktu, hatta tersine Colasan'in ise alinmasini destekledi. Ama, sanirim ki siz bunu mazeret olarak kullanarak, ozellikle Sayin Ciner'e karsi soylemek uzere, kendisinin ise alinmasina engel olmak istediniz.
Sonucta her patron istedigi gazeteciyle calisir, istemedigiyle calismaz. Bu kadar basit. Keske siz de, sagdan soldan dolanmak yerine acik acik bunu soyleseydiniz. Ben Sayin Colasan'i severim, ve begeniyle okurum. Benim gozumde, bunu acikca soyleseydiniz, emin olun, degeriniz dusmezdi. Benim icin durustluk cok onemli, ve bu konuda, onu yeteriyle gormedigim icin uzgunum.
January 22, 2009
Fatih Altayli'ya (editorunun yayinlamaktan korktugu yazi)
Posted by
1:41 PM
January 9, 2009
Diplomat - Bekir Coskun - Jan.7.2009
They gathered at Cankaya (President's House in Turkey), and after thinking a very long time, they came up with the idea of solving the savagery in Gazza using diplomacy.
Who is the diplomat?
Of course, Prime Minister...
After running around Israel four times, he stated in Antalya:
"No prosperity with torture... Don't make the poor suffer, you will suffer later on...Sooner or later justice prevails.... The one who stands with anger, will sit with damage..."
I haven't heard a diplomacy language like that.
Diplomat, essentially, starts with the syllable, "dip". Which means the lowest level in Turkish.
That is quite fitting for the diplomacy Tayyip Erdogan performed during the Gazza situation.
You first try to become a mediator between Palestine and Israel, and on the day you were saying "We have found ourself an effective role in Middle East, hopefully, we will reach a satisfactory result.", Israel starts its attack on Gazza.
Gazza was almost destroyed.
That; is the "dip" point for the diplomacy.
The second syllable is "lo".
The ones who are acting deceitful by acting angry against Israel are the same people who made a 2.5 billion dollar weaponary deal with Israel.
Just recently they approved a 167 million dollar worth of contract with Israel.
Put on to that the tank and fighter jet projects.
Put on top of that the support for the Big Middle East Project...
Or is there anyone who is not aware of the US-Turkey-Israel strategy agreement?
Yeah, that is "lo" point among the commoners:
"Lo lo to everyone, lo lo to us to?"
The last syllable is "mat" (meaning "mate" in Turkish, as in "check-mate")
That is the position of the ones, who are trying to divert from the laisist-westerner path, and trying to make ourself look like the Arabs who cannot do anything in front of Israel.
Truth, once again, check mates foolishness...
That proves the ones who are struggling against the age, the ones who have attached to the middle ages, cannot win even if they are right.
Look carefully...
Unlike the scared, crouching Arabs, this swaggering manner; that is something they have to be grateful for the one they are hating the most, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk nad his injured laisist republic, but are they even aware of that?
How would I know...
What you call as a diplomat, is something like that...
Posted by
12:24 AM
Shooting a bird in a cage - Bekir Coskun - Jan.6.2009
They shot the bird in the cage.
Both sides are closed, one side is sea, and the death approaching from the other side... And, a Gazzan mother, who was struggling and finding an escape from left-to-right, with her baby in her arms, and her dead body that was found soon after...
And a baby that is crying next to her...
When the humanity was watching in front of their TV with no care in the world... In front of the humanity... Furthermore; that happened, with at least half of that "humanity"'s approval.
They shot the bird in the cage...
I lost my respect at the humanity.
I know better now how artificial and deceitful they are; the "love", "peace", "brotherhood", "humanly emotions", "humanity" kind of words coming from the mouth of that creature, known as "human".
And I am angry at the humanity.
If they had a little of that humanity inside of them, their humanity...The thing that should have thrown at that baby would have been maybe a chocolate...
A little baby food..
A small toy.
But, a bad present like killing its mother; it is not something that the Israeli soldiers gave, but the humanity.
In front of UN, EU, international law, universal moral values...On one side, its undeveloped own society, on the other side, powerful immorality... And the humanity watching in front of their TV....
To me, universe's offscouring...
A deceitful crook, who commits all crimes in the name of "law", "justice", "peace", and "religion".
A monster, who eats his own race...
And a viscous, who shoots his own children...
The most powerful and the most intelligent, but at the same time, the most dangerous, the most terrifying, the cruelest, and the most atrocius being created by the God...
These come to my mind whenever I think of that little baby.
The humanity should have thrown at him the food it had finished, a chocolate, or a small toy...
But, this is the best sentence to describe what is happening there:
Shooting the bird in a cage...
Posted by
12:02 AM
January 8, 2009
Fatih Altayli'ya
Su son iki gunde benim en agirima giden olaylardan birisi, Hasan Cemal'in kisisel kini ugruna prensiplerini ayaginin altina alip cignemesi. Ne guzel, herkes demokrasiye uysun. Vaktinde en agir elestirileri bunun cok daha azi icin gosteren kisi, ne olmussa hidayete ermis, nefret ettikleri insanlar beteriyle karsilastigi zaman, bir gobek atip oynamadigi kalmis. Bir de agizlarindan demokrasiyi eksik etmezler ya. Ne alakasi varsa. 70-80 yasindaki insanlara Ocalan'dan beter muamale gosterilmesinde hic bir kusur algilamayacak bir demokrasi nerede var Allah askina.
Benim merak ettigim, bu isin arkasinda oldugu belli olan, Amerika'da kacak yasayan, F-tipi orgutun lideri icin vatana ihanetten niye halen dava acilmis degil. Ortalikta cok fazla delil toplanmasina da gerek yok. Kanada'da yasyan donme- haham bozuntusunun duruma uygun bir kac aciklamasini delil yap, ve tutuklamalara basla. Bak gor o zaman, yargiya saygi var mi yok mu!
Posted by
11:58 PM
January 3, 2009
The emergence of Neo-Jews
So what is Neo-Jew? The kind of an American that would do anything for Israel, even to sacrifice his own people, as long as they are not Jewish. Bush Government was tainted by the Neo-cons, who had played the role of the craziest group of warlords sent to US for some time. Now, with Obama, those will be replaced by Neo-Jews. No worries. They are both an honored member of the blood sucking vampires, that tainted the blood of many American Indians, long time ago, and the black people not so long ago.
So, why would I want to create a group like that? Well, simple, because, they are replacing the Neo-cons, and they are currently swarming the liberal media sites, such as Huffingtonpost.
What is their commanilities? They have allergy against serious Israel critics, that would prove false their beliefs in the way that would encourage American people to not support them. Frankly, I find this extremely annoying. American people, especially, the ones that form the majority, should have a right to know, about what they are planning to do. The way to stop Israelis Nazi politics, as Rosanne says, is the way to let the Americans learn the truths: there is no promised land. Every Christian, Every Muslim in this world, has as much right to control Jeruselam as the Jews. Follow Rosanne's example, and separate Jerusalem from Israel and make it a Vatican kind of country. That will solve a big portion of the problems.
For the rest. Let the world see the real face of Israel. Let the world abandon them, and cut its ties completely to them, so that the people in Israel can share the feelings of the Palestinians who are suffering a lot worse, without medicine and food, the least required to let them know that they are human.
And mu suggestion to the Arab world. Stop selling oil. Stop selling oil to America, Europe, and Asia, if necessary. Let the economies of the part of those worlds crumble if they do not cut their tiesto Israel. That is the only solution that will force a country that is already pushing itself into a very deep hole in the region. Isolate them, and force them to make a peace.
And, if I were Obama, I will start getting rid of those Neo-Jews in the next government, if I want to solve many of the problems America is facing because of Israel.
Posted by
11:28 PM