Ertugrul Ozkok'e gercekten cok aciyorum. Boyle buyuk bir gazetenin G.Y.Y'nin bu duruma dusmesi gercekten cok kotu. Hele Melih Gokcek'le ilgili yazilari.
Vaktinde Emin Colasan bagira bagira Melih Gokcek'ten bahsederken, Kemal Kilicdaroglu'nun anlattiklarini kosesinden Turk halkina duyurmak icin cirpinirken, Melih Gokcek kendisine servetleri aciklama baskisinda bulunurken, Melih Gokcek servetleri degis tokus edelim gibi sacma sapan fikirlerle halkin saygisini(!) kazanmaya calisirken kendisi neredeydi?
Ben, bir kere bile Emin Colasan'i savundugunu gormedim. Kendisinden bir insan olarak nefret edebilir, kisilik olarak tiksinebilir, ama, eger su anda bahsettigi gorusleri o zaman da tasiyorsa, ayni sekilde Melih Gokcek'in karsisina cikmaliydi. Son iki yazisi ozellikle oyle siradan gecistirilecek yazilar da degildi. Acik acik, Gokcek'i vuran agir yazilardi onlar. Bu fikirleri paylasan bir insanin su anda o fikirlere kavustuguna inanmiyorum.
Vaktinde o dusunceleri paylasmasi gerekir diye dusunuyorum. Ama, kendisi onceleri ne yapti?
Bekledi ki, Melih Gokcek Emin Colasan'i yipratmaya calissin. Ve bu yuzden gazeteden kovulmasinin adimlari atilsin. Tabii o zaman Melih Gokcek uzerinde boyle bir baski da yoktu.
Kim bilir. Belki de Tayyip Erdogan tarafindan ozel olarak Gokcek'le ugrasin haberi belli koselere iletildi. Aynen Maliye Bakani'yla ugrasmayin haberleri gibi. Ve o yuzden, Ertugrul Ozkok, bir kac sene once yapmasi gerektigini, simdi yapmaya basladi.
Sonucta olay Altayli'nin soylediklerinize geliyor ki, gercekten Hurriyet gibi koklu bir gazetenin Dogan ve Ozkok sayesinde dusuruldugu durum icimi acitiyor. Yazik. Gercekten cok yazik. Boyle olmamaliydi.
December 22, 2008
Ertugrul'un cokusu: Acinasi bir Genel Yayin Yonetmeni - Ertugrul Ozkok
Posted by
3:36 PM
December 15, 2008
Armenians' Massacre of the Turks
After seeing an ad signed by the ex-anarshists, writers and researchers that are getting paid in advance to criticize their country to earn even more, I felt like saying something.
Those guys were apologizing for what they believe the Turks did to Armenians.
However, I don't feel any kind of responsibility whatsoever.
Those Armenians killed members of our families. They killed, raped, tortured hudnreds of thousands of innocents civilians. So that they can increase their percentage of population in the region, since they were mostly a minority there. Hence, they can get more support from the western nations to create their own country using the bloods of innocent people. (Does this remind you another group? Don't be tempted. At least, the one that you thought of were victims of others' actions, instead of being a sore loser after being the first hitter)
That is why. I won't apologize from those mass-murderers. Murderers of thousands of innocent lives. I won't apologize from their murderer sons and grandsons who has killed many more civilians all through the last century. I won't apologize from the people who use their past to threaten other people.
Don't you apologize, either. They don't deserve any kind of apology.
Their greed and murderous intents were the sole reasons for their demise (check the banned speech of their first leader, to explain their mistakes, by saying what they did to the innocent people there to satisfy their greed was the main cause for what happened later on. They brought those actions on themselves with their own consciousness. If they were to succeed, they would be as happy and proud as the Nazis in their prime days. But, since they lost, they immediately started to consider themselves as the Jews, interestingly forgetting that they actually started it by doing mass-killings. A pathetic mindset, isn't it?).
Believe me, what you see is only the punishment they were given from the God. Nothing else.
Armenians of the 10s were the Serbians of the 90s. Same desires, same hatred, same actions. If truth be told, they were even crueler than the Serbians, since the world was not as observant, and there was an 80-years evolution gap towards the negative.
And, talk about a genocide only after you made sure of the fact that the Jews were the murderers of hundreds of thousands of Germans before the Nazi Germans showed their extreme cruelty. Do not forget that, the decision to force migrate the Armenians was made to prevent a complete breakdown between Armenians and the Muslims in the region. There was no other way to stop the Armenian gang's cruelty of even raping babies.
It is really hard to explain what they did. You will only understand that after you see the many recently discovered mass-graves created by the proud Armenians. And, note that: if you have ever watched the movie Patriot by Mel Gibson, and if you remember what the Brits did to some American folks by putting them inside a church and burning them, yes, that is one of the acts highly enjoyed by the Armenian gangs at the time. But, that time, the scene was a mosque instead of a church. And, the people burning them were the so-called Armenian neighbors of those civilians getting burned "alive".
I am sure, after seeing all those, God must be pointing His middle finger to the Armenians who had died and went to the other side with so-called regret and an unbreakable mindset of putting all the blames on the Turks while acting as if the Armenians were the angels send by the God. I do hope that God would show the scenes of the past over and over again, until they puke all the falsehood within them.
I also hope that would open the eyes oif Turkish Republic and they start teaching our children the truth about the past. Even though it will be shocking for the kids to hear what the Armenians who were supposed to live in peace had done in the past, and those will definitely put the seeds of hatred in the minds of the youth, the cruelties of the Armenians have to be told. So that the truth can be shared with the other nations at full power. Instead of letting those Armenians do as they wish by coloring the minds of people with flashy lies and sick jokes in the shape of sad stories.
You know, when I see an old Armenian telling the tale of the past, I immediately recall the 90-plus years old ex-Nazis. So innocently looking at their old age, when they were either actively joining in torture or killings, or supporting those in the past. And, those tears. They really do make me puke.
Posted by
10:19 PM
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